I’m back!

I have taken a long break from writing posts for my blog or actually replying to comments. I apologize for the long delay for some of you on your questions/comments. As you know, even the strongest warrior moms need a break…so I took one. I’m replying to comments each day and hope to be caught up by the end of the week. Next week I hope to start writing again. Stay tuned to hear about our experience with yeast and leaky gut issues (yet again!).  I’m really into whole foods and diet changes, so look for posts about that and how to incorporate it into your child’s diet.


7 Responses

  1. I am excited to hear your thoughts on yeast we are dealing with that right now been on a few medications just received a stronger dose the other day

  2. This is great news! Thank you! Can’t wait to learn more.

  3. Hooray !!! I have questions!!!

    My name is Belinda Maglinte. I will ask my questions in a later email!!! Just wanted to say say welcome back !!!!

    Sincerely, Belinda

    Sent from my iPhone

  4. I really love your blog. We started on this biomedical journey 3 yrs ago after reading Healing the 4 A’s book and your blog has been the best resource. Hearing from another parent’s experience in this process has been really helpful especially since so many doctors lack the nutritional information to really help our kids beyond the pharma options. Please keep blogging. Your fan in the SF Bay Area.

  5. Hello Are you still writing, I see you haven’t written in a while. Do you have another page! Very interested in your blog. Hope you write soon. Thanks!

    • Hi, no I am not. Life got in the way, lol. I am planning on getting my blog moved to a website though and will continue writing. But in the meantime, I got certified as a Health Coach and also a Wellness Advocate for doTERRA essential oils. Busy!

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